Capacity Place is the capacity marketplace for insurance programs which matches companies seeking capacity with risk carriers providing capacity Core to this matchmaking process is the program listing.
By way of comparison, on eBay or Amazon, sellers create product listings and buyers search and view product listings.
On Capacity Place, Capacity Seekers create program listings and Capacity Providers search and view program listings.
Capacity Seekers are in full control of their program listings and add, edit, authorise, go live, pause their listings and only Capacity Seekers can create program listings.
Capacity Providers can search and view program listings and are also recommended program listings to view based on their class and territory preferences.
Program listings are designed to give Capacity Providers the information they need to determine whether a program fits within their risk appetite and pursue further.
The information demands arising from solvency and conduct regulations around the globe has significantly increased the amount of information that is required.
Capacity Seekers complete program listings in 8 stages and this typically takes around 30 minutes.
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The quick and easy way to find capacity partners for your insurance programs ^
Confidentially market your programs to multiple risk carriers
Maintain full control over sensitive program information
Connect directly with capacity providers
Accelerate through program due diligence
^ Used by brokers, coverholders and cedants to source markets for placing of binders, line slips, fronting deals, reinsurance treaties, etc.
Gain access to a wide range of insurance program opportunities â€
Search programs listings which match your risk appetite
Access more cost-effective distribution channels and lower your acquisition costs
Review rich program information to qualify opportunities
Connect directly with capacity seekers
Receive email notifications of new programs seeking capacity
†Only employees of qualified risk carriers are able to register as Capacity Providers and access program opportunities.